Audrey Hepburn, Myrna Loy, Natalie Wood & sister (via), Gary Cooper, Anthony Perkins, John Barrymore and Dolores Costello (via), Tom Keene & Lina Basquette (via), Pier Angeli & Danny Kaye, Marilyn Monroe, Brigitte Bardot (via), Emil Van Horn as Ingagi, with Eleonore Wood at the New York World's Fair, King Kong sees Fay Wray, in "Blonde Venus" (Josef von Sternberg).
Monkey Business (1) : http://dsata.blogspot.com/2011/02/monkey-business.html

Monkey race, 1920’s (via)

1940’s art by Joyce Ballantyne (via)
Clin d'oeil à Mythical Monkey