Sharon Tate, Joan Crawford & Clark Gable in "Love on the run" (W.S. Van Dyke), Catherine Deneuve, Marilyn Monroe, Anita Ekberg.
Wind blowing (1) : http://dsata.blogspot.com/2010/10/wind-blowing.html

La naissance de Vénus de Sandro Botticelli (détail)

Promenade by the Sea de SOROLLA Joaquin

Summer Seas de Charles Sims

Edward Hopper - Evening Wind

Edward Hopper - Night Windows

Longing de James Archer

Greek girls picking up pebbles by the sea de Frederic Lord Leighton

John William Waterhouse - Windflowers

John William Waterhouse - Boreas

John William Waterhouse - Boreas study

John William Waterhouse - Miranda – The Tempest
PJ Harvey - 'The Wind' (is taken from the album 'Is This Desire?', 1999)